International Summer School on Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Traffic Applications – ASTRA 2023
26 – 30 June 2023
Rijeka, Croatia
Applications are closed

About ASTRA 2023
Are you an enthusiast of modern technologies? Do you want to get theoretical and practical knowledge on operating an Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV), planning a flight mission for traffic analysis, and integrating UAV with LiDAR and thermal camera for a specific analysis?
Then you are the right person to join us in Rijeka, Croatia, and participate in our BIP International Summer School on Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Traffic Applications – ASTRA 2023.
As UAVs have become part of everyday life, this technology is experiencing continuous development. At the same time, its integration with various sensors allows its expansion into multiple applications.
The applications are open to interested undergraduate, graduate, and PhD students of various fields and academic staff.

Connect with colleagues of similar interests
The Summer School will acquaint you with the most important principles, allow you to connect with colleagues of similar interests, and prepare you for the first step to entering this exciting field.
Important Information
Credits: 3 ECTS
School language: English
Number of participants: 20 students and academic staff
Organizer: University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies
Erasmus code: HR RIJEKA01
Organizing committee:
Prof. Irena Jurdana, PhD
Assist. Prof. Nikola Lopac, PhD
Tomislav Krljan, MSc
Virtual part: 21 June 2023
Physical part: 26 – 30 June 2023
Registration deadline: 29 May 2023
Final programme information: 5 June 2023
Erasmus+ Programme

Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)
The Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027 introduces new Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) as alternative international mobility for students and academic staff.
In June 2023, the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies is organizing 3 ECTS “International Summer School on Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Traffic Applications – ASTRA 2023” BIP for students and academic staff.

No tuition fee for the ASTRA Summer School
BIP combines short-term physical mobility with a virtual component, making Erasmus mobility more flexible. Students participating in BIP can maintain their study plans at their home institution and include BIP as a parallel activity. Short-term online and physical mobility (one week in Croatia) will constitute the only period outside their home institution. Therefore, students should credit the BIP to their study plans, as in the case of traditional Erasmus mobility.

Applying for Erasmus grant
The Erasmus BIP grant provided by home institution covers accommodation and travel costs for the physical event in Rijeka. The International Relations Offices of the home institutions will provide students and academic staff with all information regarding the Erasmus BIP grants.
Organizing Committee & Speakers

Prof. Irena Jurdana, PhD
optoelectronics, communication networks, maritime communications
Prof. Irena Jurdana, PhD, received her BSc and MSc degrees in electrical engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, in 1989 and 2007, respectively. She received her PhD degree in the area of Technical Sciences, the field of Traffic technology and transport, from the Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka, in 2011.
She is a full professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Automation and Computing at the Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka. Currently, she is also a Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Maritime Studies.
More details
She is a head of the following courses: Electrical Measurements & Instrumentation, Computer Networks & Protocols, and Electronic Navigation Devices at the bachelor level, Optoelectronic Systems and Information Processing and Transmission at the master level, and Optical technologies in maritime industry and Advanced signal processing methods in maritime sector at the Postgraduate university study.
Research interests: optoelectronics, resilience methods of the optical transmission network and environmental impacts of submarine cable network deployment, applications of optical communications networks and optical sensors in ship systems and other structures associated with marine affairs, topics related to signal processing applied to maritime data

Assist. Prof. Nikola Lopac, PhD
digital signal processing, image processing and analysis, artificial intelligence, deep learning
Assist. Prof. Nikola Lopac, PhD, received the BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees in Electrical engineering from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, in 2015, 2017, and 2022, respectively. He is currently with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Automation and Computing at the Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka.
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He is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. Moreover, he is a Head of the Laboratory for Cybersecurity of Communication and Navigation Devices and a member of the Laboratory for Information Processing and Pattern Recognition at the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, University of Rijeka.
Dr. Lopac has been appointed to the scientific grades of Research associate in the field of Electrical engineering and Research associate in the field of Traffic technology and transport, according to the National Council for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development. He has led or participated in several research projects funded by local, national, and European funding sources. He has also authored a number of papers in international peer-reviewed journals indexed in the Web of Science (CC, SCIE, ESCI) database and presented his work at several international scientific conferences. Moreover, he has reviewed over 100 research papers for 17 international CC journals and was a member of organizing and scientific committees of scientific conferences and an editor of the conference proceedings. He regularly participates in science popularization activities. He has also been a visiting researcher at several European universities and actively participated in international summer schools in the fields of image processing and deep learning
Dr. Lopac received several awards for his academic and research achievements, including the award for research excellence from the Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka, the Annual Hrvoje Pozar Award from the Foundation of the Croatian Energy Association, the Rector’s Award from the University of Rijeka, and five Annual Dean’s awards from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka.
Research interests: digital signal processing, time-frequency signal analysis, image processing and analysis, information processing, computer vision, artificial intelligence, deep learning

Tomislav Krljan, MSc
traffic engineering, transport modeling, UAV/S
Tomislav Krljan, MSc, is a Research and teaching assistant and a PhD student at the Department of Maritime and Transportation Technology, Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka.
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His professional career is mainly focused on researching synergies between transport modeling and innovative technologies, especially CAVs and UAV/S. Due to his long-standing interest, he started his academic career at the Faculty of Maritime Studies, teaching students in traffic engineering and transport modeling. He also organizes courses on Remote pilot skills for UAS operations and UAS in traffic applications. In addition, he is actively involved in research and expert projects in urban traffic and transportation, focusing on transportation planning and modeling.
Research interests: traffic engineering, transport modeling (micro/meso/macro/hybrid simulations), transport process planning and optimization, innovative solutions in urban and multimodal transport management, operational research methods in traffic and transport engineering
The Summer School will take place at the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies. The Faculty was founded in 1866 and has since been a leading higher education, scientific, and research institution in the field of maritime transport in Croatia.
The Faculty comprises five departments: Department of Electrical Engineering, Automation and Computing, Department of Maritime and Transportation Technology, Department of Nautical Sciences, Department of Marine Engineering and Energetics, and Department of Maritime Logistics and Management. It also includes the Center for International Projects, Center for Marine Technologies, and Maritime Training Centre. With more than 80 Faculty members, as well as external staff and experts from the field, the Faculty offers scientific expertise and experience in maritime transportation, transport engineering, simulation and modeling, intermodal and logistics, and transport economy.
Over the past years, the focus has been set on innovative technologies and smart solutions for traffic monitoring, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operations, coastal surveillance, and artificial intelligence. The Faculty enrolls students from bachelor to doctoral level. More information about the Faculty can be found here:
The Faculty of Maritime Studies is located in the City of Rijeka which is located in the Northern Adriatic and represents the main seaport and the third-largest city in Croatia. More information about Rijeka can be found here:, including useful information about accommodation, transportation, and interesting ideas for various leisure activities.
ASTRA 2023 Website Launched
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